…And our ever popular poet, Bob Mills, strikes again!

Lynch Stream (Kauri to Coastline)

Not what I expected,
Showers sometimes all connected,
ECHO walkers, Whanga Ramblers, 10am.
Basil first and Justine last
Herding venturers and fast,
All swallowed by the bush, we’re off again.
Never seen so many kauri
Of all ages, but all towery,
Divide by four, diameter for age.
(For calculating ears,
Millimeters will get years),
Ranging forty to four centuries I’d gauge.
We crossed three streams or more,
At least, maybe, perhaps, a score?
For boulder hopping, sometimes slipping, fun.
The coast was clear with islands,
Far and near, both low and highlands,
We cliff’d and beached and bussed back when we’d done.
Eight k. northward of Tairua,
If perchance you find that you are,
Able with five hours for a tramp.
Carpark Whenuakite,
To Sailor’s Grave, you’ll find is mighty,
Suggest this trip by day, not with a lamp!

Bob Mills 1 April 2016